Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Monday, July 21, through Sunday, August 3, 2014: In Williams, Part 3:

There is a new restaurant in town---Kicks On Route 66---which is a converted Denny's.  The owners let their Denny's franchise lapse and, after a serious remodel, opened their new restaurant a month ago.  We had lunch there on Monday.  The restaurant is actually pretty nice, and the food was very good.  I had a yummy BLT and Becky had a delicious salad.

Also on Monday, the new remote control arrived from DirecTV.  I followed the usual instructions and found that the new one had the same problems I had been experiencing with the old ones.  I decided to dig deeper into the 49-page set of instructions, and found an alternative method of programming the gizmo.  The new method was specifically not recommended, but I decided to try it anyway.  It worked!!!  I tried it on our other remotes, and all of them now work properly.  I then decided to see if I could use the new method to program them to operate our VCR/DVD players, as well.  That also worked.  As of now, all seven of our remotes can operate all of our DirecTV receivers, TVs, and VCR/DVD players,  Wow, what a difference.

Monday night, we realized we both had slept through a part of the Breaking Bad marathon Sunday night, so we watched the last disc again.  Now we're ready for Season Four.

Tuesday was a nice, relaxed day, involving the usual dog walks and navel contemplation.  On Wednesday, Becky went to Prescott to have lunch with Sandra Sarles, a former co-worker at the South Rim. 

While they were gone, I was in charge of the dogs, of course, which went very well.  It's no surprise, but when Becky's not here the dogs just sleep for the most part.  The first time we went out, Ramsey dragged me back home after only three minutes.  On her way back from lunch, Becky naturally had to stop at the Costco in Prescott to load up on things.  (There is no Costco in Williams or Flagstaff.)

Thursday was a day to re-visit the one house in Williams we've seen, and to watch Heaven Is For Real from the redbox.  It was an excellent film, religiously oriented (which rarely interests me) starring Greg Kinnear and a great little kid named Connor Corum.

Friday was a lazy day with just the usual routine.

On Saturday, after discovering some mysterious water collecting in the carpet under the computer desk, Becky took the dogs and went to the canyon to visit Dorthy Westmoreland

and some other friends, while I stayed back to deal with the Cordova people who came to finish the weather-stripping project.  They finished the project and also informed me that the water was due to a deteriorated seal in the roof.  They will come back and deal with that in a few days.  In the meantime, we need to be careful about letting water collect in that corner of the roof.  Of course, when it rains, which it does daily---some days it pours---we can't do much.  We installed a sort-of dam to divert water from the air conditioner to the other side of the roof.  So far, it's not working.  But, we'll keep trying.

On her local walks with the dogs, Becky found a Harlequin Great Dane that lives a block away.  It's quite impressive; looks like a Dalmatian on steroids.

I still haven't started the Nu-Finish project, but I finished The Fly On The Wall on Saturday.

Sunday we headed to Prescott to see Becky's friend Sandra Sarles.  She knows we're thinking of settling down and wanted us to see the 55+ community she lives in---Pine Lakes.  Interesting place.

We had lunch at Murphy's before heading back.  As usual, it was yummy.  I had a Cobb salad.

Sunday evening, we went to the bar (Spenser's) at the railway hotel to have an adult beverage to be served by Lisa D'Arpa, the wife of the hotel manager.  She only works on Sunday.  We've known Lisa since our days at Zion where her husband (Jeff) was the lodge manager.  They have been on a month's vacation in Florida and we haven't seen them since we got here.  It was fun seeing her again.

Monday afternoon, we looked at another home in Williams.  It was beautiful but not our style.  We then re-viewed the earlier one and spent quite some time discussing it with the realtor, Danielle.  This may be it!  We tested the water with a verbal offer.

Tuesday morning, we (Becky, that is) went up on the roof and modified our dam.  The water diverter is now working!

Tuesday, we went back and forth with Danielle regarding the home on which we had made the offer.  In the meantime, she and her husband, Andy, who is a builder, came over to determine whether our rig would actually fit in the door to the RV barn at the new place. 

It looks like it will fit.  We then had a few more conversations with Danielle, and, after the seller responded with what we thought was an insulting counter-offer, we told Danielle we were no longer interested. 

On Wednesday, we threw the dogs in the truck and went to Prescott to see a few possible homes.  Not too exciting.  On the way home, we heard from Danielle that the sellers would accept the last offer we had made on Tuesday for the home in Williams.  We told Danielle to prepare the paperwork!  That change of circumstances led us to celebrate with filets mignon from Safeway and a nice Silver Oak cabernet sauvignon.

We met Danielle at the property Thursday morning to take pictures of the contents in the home to help finalize what we are getting and what the sellers are keeping, and for future reference.  In the afternoon, we went to Danielle's home (in the same neighborhood) to sign the paperwork.  Yippee!

Friday morning, we spent a looooong time on the phone with the lender for our new home.  Everything is on stream for a September 30 closing.  In the afternoon, I took a picture of the front of the house.

The home is located adjacent to the Elephant Rocks Golf Club, the Cataract Lake County Park, and the Kaibab National Forest.  It's such a nature-oriented area, they left a pine tree in the middle of the driveway!

Saturday was a day to avoid the rain, even hail.  Ramsey was really spooked by the thunder. 

(Kelsey was oblivious.  She's such a calm dog.)  We just hung out, getting caught up on emails.  We discovered another water leak, this one in the kitchen.  We have no idea where it's coming from.  The Cordova people had better get here soon.

On Sunday, we realized that we should spend some time in our new home after the escrow closes---before heading out for the winter.  So, Becky rearranged our entire Autumn travel schedule.  While she was doing that, the rain came and went several times, and I finished The Beach House, by James Patterson, which I had started Saturday evening.  (It was an easy read.) 

It was a perfect night for chili, which we had.  Yum.   

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