Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Monday, November 24, through Friday, November 28, 2014: At Rancho Oso:

The 95-mile trip from Morro Bay to the Rancho Oso Thousand Trails Preserve was delightful.  We drove through some very nice scenery.  Rancho Oso is located in the Los Padres National Forest, halfway between Santa Barbara and Santa Ynez. 

We quickly found a nice site.  Then we opened up the rig and realized that we had hit some bumps that opened cabinets!  We had two bottles of wine fly out and crash on the floor.  Can you say smithereens?  Fortunately, they were white wines; otherwise we would have had some monster stains in our living room carpeting.  We also had coffee fixings (powdered cream, chocolate, and cappuccino) all over the kitchen floor, and our glass dish from the microwave oven flew across the room.  And somehow we hit a tree that ripped a running light off the side of our trailer, and our living room TV no longer gives off sound when we are watching DirecTV; but it works just fine when we use our VCR.  A phone call to DirecTV gave me some ideas for finding out where the problem lies.  Otherwise, we are just aces.

We licked our wounds Monday night, listening to our living room TV through headphones.  On Tuesday, I swallowed my pride and went to see a doctor in Santa Barbara about my back.  The x-rays showed no cracked ribs, and I was advised that the giant bruise would go away with time.  I was offered some codeine-based pills for the pain, but I refused.  I'll stick with my Tylenol; I don't need any help doing silly things.  I also got a badly-needed haircut, and we picked up lunch at Panda Express.  As usual, it was yummy.

Wednesday morning, the DirecTV tests provided no help.  I experimented by moving our small "basement" TV into the living room, and attached it to the DirecTV DVR.  It worked fine, which means the problem is with the living room TV set, not the DVR.  A call for advice to Jensen, the TV manufacturer, yielded a "We're closed for the holiday" response.  It didn't say whether they're also closed on Friday.  It may be a while before we get any closer to solving the problem.

Thursday is, of course, Thanksgiving Day, and we joined fellow RVers in the lodge for dinner at 1:00 o'clock.  We had a nice dinner, joining Lisa and Chuck, two people from Yreka, California, who knew the father of Jere Nolan, Becky's college boyfriend, who was from Yreka. 

The sun is shining and it's a glorious day.  I am thankful for so many things I would hardly know where to continue listing them all after starting with having Becky in my life.  On Friday, we had dinner at Jean and Nat Hawthorne's home in Santa Barbara.  Their son Marc and his long-time (17 years) girlfriend, Erica, were there as well, and they prepared a delicious vegetarian dinner.

Jean is Becky's second cousin.  We had a great time discussing family history and otherwise enjoyed the time with them immensely.

We had previously expected to stay at Rancho Oso for a few more days, but the news about Becky's father was not very good so we decided to leave early for the Soledad Canyon Thousand Trails Preserve, the closest one to Pasadena.  Friday was, then our last day at Rancho Oso.  

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